Riccione Piadina
An immersive journey through piadina's history
Riccione Piadina, Italy's leading piadina brand, has created Piadina Experience, a true multimedia journey through Romagna, from the Neolithic to the present day.
We can create original multimedia content for you that breathes life into your Digital Environment, making it a unique and exciting experience.
We can design and develop multimedia content that stimulates engagement and interactivity, taking full advantage of the possibilities of your Digital Network and increasing the attractiveness of your venue.
We can produce movies, animations, 3D reconstructions, illustrations and graphics that enrich the Customer Experience. All of the digital content is designed and built to be part of your world, transforming it into an experience.
We create original multimedia content that respects your Brand Guidelines. Not just special effects to amaze, but elements of a communication strategy that aims to strengthen your marketing message and your brand.
Riccione Piadina, Italy's leading piadina brand, has created Piadina Experience, a true multimedia journey through Romagna, from the Neolithic to the present day.
Within the broader context of the project for the redevelopment and renovation of the local Civic Museum, the Municipality of Taverna has involved us in the conception, design, and layout of the museum wing dedicated to the artist and Taverna native, Mattia Preti.
Acquedotto Pugliese takes care of citizens and the territory every day, ensuring a more efficient and sustainable use of water resources. Room control is the digital heart of this system, as innovative as it is indispensable.
Discover our interactive and immersive solutions for the “Piano Scuola 4.0”, an important opportunity to make schools a participatory environment with engaging teaching methods and more learning opportunities for students.
The museum celebrates the symbol of Romagna gastronomy through an immersive sensory journey made up of audiovisual systems, software applications and projections, which offers visitors an engaging and unique experience.
Trade shows, events, seminars, conventions, and art galleries become overwhelming experiences.
Capture audience attention and engage viewers with impactful visualization systems and integrated AVL architectures.
Find out how we can help you create new in-store experiences that win over consumers and add value to your brand.