Culture heritage becomes an experience
Solutions to attract visitors, entertain them and inform them through digital engagement.
Riccione Piadina, the leading brand in Italy in the production of piadina, has launched the Piadina Experience, the first museum in the world dedicated to the history of Romagna's culinary product par excellence, offering a real multimedia journey of Romagna, from the Neolithic to the present day. Touchwindow has been part of the project right from the start of the planning stages of the tour. It has been involved in the choice of the most appropriate hardware technologies to the definition of the exhibition concept, through the storyboard and the making of audio-video content. The result is a well-structured interdisciplinary project, designed to intrigue, excite and amaze visitors.
Piadina Experience was created as a tribute to piadina, a recipe capable of going beyond regional and national borders, becoming a symbol of Romagna and Italian culture even abroad. The museum was conceived as a space in which history, entrepreneurship, and tradition are combined with the most advanced technologies of the Interaction Experience. This is Piadina Experience's concept, an immersive journey which travels along an imaginary timeline marked by interactive and immersive videos, highlighting the stages of piadina's evolution in its uses and customs in Romagna and eventually in the world.
Piadina Experience is a dynamic and multi-functional environment. Taking advantage of the infinite possibilities offered by technology, we have designed the spaces to make them multipurpose. Through pre-settings and settings that can be recalled with simple and intuitive handling from an iPad, the museum area can easily be used as an auditorium or as a location for training activities; placing itself side by side with the Experience Center. For the planning of the museum tour, we started from the analysis of the customer journey, working alongside with the study and creation of an interactive digital storytelling made up of engaging and evocative videos, images, sounds and projections. Our consolidated know-how in the making of integrated digital environments has allowed us to implement a hardware architecture capable of perfectly interacting with the multimedia content created. The exhibits consist of large sky-to-ground projections that dialogue with appropriately placed physical elements, and interactive solutions integrated into the scenic layout that enhance the environments. Using the projection mapping technique, we have created digital corners with a strong emotional feeling, as well as an immersive room where the visitor will interact with at least 4 of the senses. This is a highly suggestive experience when concluding the museum's tour.
Our content creators realized immersive videos, projection mapping and multimedia content with images and sounds to bring piadina's story back to life. We took good care of every detail, from the choice of the actors to the selection of the audio effects to be included in the videos; from the images' value to the animations' definition, in order to portray Romagna's atmosphere and the symbolic characteristics of the culinary product, the main protagonist of the storytelling.
Touchwindow's aim, after the installation and start-up stages, is to ensure the customer is autonomous in the daily management of the museum to fully enjoy technology's potential. To confirm the above mentioned and the high technological vocation of the "Piadina Experience" project, the entire tour can be managed from an iPad on which the Triatic software is installed, tailored on the customer's specific needs. Thanks to Triatic, the museum's employees can easily and directly manage all the digital infrastructure installed. They can start or stop one or more videos, select the desired environmental setting, turn on or off the lighting, restart a device if necessary.
Solutions to attract visitors, entertain them and inform them through digital engagement.
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